How Do I File for a Green Card in TN?

Get help with your Green Card application from an experienced Nashville immigration attorney

Being an immigrant to the United States of America is often a much-desired experience, one that many people only dream of; it is also an experience that can be filled with confusion, fear, anxiety, and misunderstanding about the many rules and processes in the U.S., including the Green Card process. At the office of Ozment Law, PLC, our Nashville, TN immigration attorneys can provide you with representation and guidance as you navigate the process of gaining legal status in this country. Here is an overview of what you should know about the process of obtaining a Green Card in TN.

What is a Green Card?

A Green Card, also called a Permanent Resident Card, is a legal document that allows you to work and live in the United States permanently. While a Green Card does not grant you citizenship, having a Green Card does mean that you will be able to stay in the United States, work and earn an income, purchase property, attend higher education institutions, and more without the fear of legal repercussions.

How to File for a Green Card in TN

The first thing to do if you want to file for a Green Card is to check your eligibility status. There are multiple Green Card eligibility categories, including obtaining a Green Card through:

After you have determined your eligibility status, the next step is to adjust your status by filing an immigrant petition and a Green Card application. In most cases, the application must be filed by someone else on your behalf—this is the party who is sponsoring you or petitioning for you. If you are already within the United States and are eligible for a Green Card, you can file a Form I-485 for adjustment of status. When filing your application, you will need to attach required documentation.

In some cases, U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) may determine that an interview is necessary. If an interview is necessary, you will receive notice of the interview and a date, time, and location.

How Our Nashville, TN Immigration Attorneys Can Help

Filing for a Green Card is not an easy process. There are many forms and documents that are required along the way, and USCIS officials may deny an incomplete application or file a request for additional evidence. One of the best ways to improve your chances of your application being approved is to work with a skilled immigration attorney from the onset of your case.

At the office of Ozment Law, PLC, our Nashville, TN immigration attorneys are passionate about representing the rights and furthering the opportunities of immigrants in our state and our country. If you have questions about the immigration process or the process of applying for a Green Card, please reach out to us by phone or online to schedule a consultation. Se habla español.